
  东方海外是香港联交所上市公司 (0316) 东方海外(国际)有限公司 (OOIL) 的全资附属公司,为世界具规模之综合国际货柜运输、物流及码头公司之一亦为香港最为熟悉之环球商标之一,为客户提供全面的物流及运输服务,航线联系亚洲、欧洲、北美、地中海、印度次大陆、中东及澳洲/纽西兰等地。东方海外为客户提供以客为尊的物流方案、精益求精及不断创新的服务精神,一向享誉业内。东方海外率先在中国提供全线物流及运输服务,在信息服务方面亦是业内先驱。

  Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Orient Overseas (International) Limited (OOIL), a public company (0316) listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. OOCL is one of the world's largest integrated international container transportation, logistics and terminal companies and, is one of Hong Kong's most recognised global brands, providing customers with fully integrated logistics and containerized transportation services, with a network encompassing Asia, Europe, North America and Australasia. OOCL is well respected in the industry with a reputation for providing customer-focused solutions, a quality through excellence approach and continual innovation. OOCL pioneered transportation coverage of China and is an industry leader in information technology